Archive for November, 2012

Smart Tweezers Now Available in the USA from Siborg Systems and SIBBIS International

// November 27th, 2012 // No Comments » // Distributors, News, Uncategorized

Siborg Systems Inc. and Maryland based SIBBIS International LLC have joined efforts to market the device in the United States.

SIBBIS International is a specialist in international marketing of high-tech hardware and software, focusing on medical equipment and associated tools.

“We have been looing for such a device for a long time,” says Anatoly Klimenko, the Director of Marketing at SIBBIS International, “Modern medical equipment may contain a number of Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) densely packed with SMT components. It makes debugging of a faulty PCB virtually impossible with the use of conventional LCR-meters. Smart Tweezers is an integration of a pair of high-precision SMT probes, accurate digital LCR-meters and an LCD display into nearly a pen-sized 2 oz. unit. It can be easily handled by just one hand leaving the other free for taking notes or holding other tools.”


What’s New on the ST5 model?

// November 16th, 2012 // No Comments » // News, Smart Tweezers Questions and Answers, ST5

The newest version of Smart Tweezers, the ST5 has been released.

Still the same fully automatic LCR meter, Smart Tweezers still offers features like manual and automatic Inductance, Resistance, and Capacitance measurements, and diode and continuity testing, with just a touch of the tweezer tips.

So what’s new on Smart Tweezers ST5?

The new ST5 features designated Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) measurements. When measuring for a capacitance, the unit measures for secondary parameters such as the ESR. This value is displayed in the secondary display.

Semi-automatic offset subtraction that allows a value of parasitic resistance to be automatically subtracted from the measurement value of the component under test.

Component sorting capabilities.

A higher basic accuracy of 0.2% is an estimated 6 times higher than older models, this accuracy is usually only available with expensive bench-type testing. A Li-Ion battery replaces the hearing aid batteries in the old models, with a USB charger, significantly increasing the battery life.

Smart Tweezers has also gotten a slight physical upgrade with the replacement of the jog-wheel. This navigational device used to be situated on the side of the device and allowed users to change the settings with back-and-forth movement as well as a push button to select. The new ST5 features a joy-stick like navigation on the front of the device, providing a more comfortable experience.

Other than the removal of DC/AC voltage measurements, Smart Tweezers are the same renowned LCR meters but with higher accuracy, even more features and an updated look.


Smart Tweezers Model Comparisons

Why Would I Need an Extra Pair of Smart Tweezers’ Tips?

// November 12th, 2012 // No Comments » // Smart Tweezers Questions and Answers

The tips are made of gold plated stainless steel and the gold tends to wear out with time. Apparently the wear out mostly depends on the number of touches and the quality of surfaces that are touched. A rough estimate with a moderate intensity of Smart Tweezers’ use would be 2-3 years. Typical contact resistance of the Smart Tweezers Tips is about 20 mOhms. It can be as high as 1 Ohm for a heavily used Smart Tweezers.

How to Measure DC Voltage?

// November 12th, 2012 // No Comments » // Smart Tweezers Questions and Answers

Smart Tweezers can measure Voltage DC in range from 0 to 8 Volts. To switch Smart Tweezers in this mode, you have to do the following:

  2. TOGGLE SWITCH will be displayed on the screen and the beeper will sound. Change the Toggle Switch position at the bottom left portion of the Smart Tweezers to the rightmost position
  3. Please note that you must return to AUTO mode after you finished measuring voltages. Therefore, press the Jog Dial button, change the Toggle Switch position to the default (leftmost, toward the probes), and select Mode->AUTO->EXIT. The letter ‘A’ displayed on the screen indicates that Smart Tweezers are in the AUTO mode.

How to Calibrate Smart Tweezers for Voltage Measurements?

// November 12th, 2012 // No Comments » // Smart Tweezers Questions and Answers

You have to calibrate Smart Tweezers if measured values for two different polarities differ more than 1%. For instance, you measured values 1.39V for one polarity and -1.51V when you change polarity to the opposite. After calibration Smart Tweezers have to show equal values for both measurements. For calibration you have to do the following:

  2. Connect the probes to each other and select MEASURE->VOLTAGE->CALIBR
  3. As soon as you see DONE on the screen, you have to select AUTOSET->EXIT and disconnect the probes.

How to Extract Parasitic Probe Capacitance of Smart Tweezers?

// November 12th, 2012 // No Comments » // Smart Tweezers Questions and Answers

The parasitic probe capacitance depends on the distance between the tips, that is it will be different for different measured component sizes.  To obtain the value of capacitance of the Smart Tweezers probes, you have to do the following:

  1. Select mode for capacitance measurements by setting MEASURE->MODE->CAP. Letter ‘C’ will indicate that you selected capacitance measurement mode.
  2. Select measurement frequency 10 KHZ by setting MEASURE->FREQ->10KHZ
  3. When you squeeze the probes until the size of the gap is equal to the size of component which you are going to measure, the parasitic capacitance value will be displayed on the screen. This is the value that you have to subtract from any measured capacitance of the same size. Typical parasitic probe capacitance is about 1.5 pF.

Is Smart Tweezers Design Patented?

// November 12th, 2012 // No Comments » // Smart Tweezers Questions and Answers

The patent is in force in Europe, USA, Canada, Japan, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and India.

What Does it Mean That Smart Tweezers are ‘Factory Pre-Calibrated’?

// November 12th, 2012 // No Comments » // Smart Tweezers Questions and Answers

Smart Tweezers do not require any calibration. Every single Smart Tweezers is calibrated upon assembly at the factory using a special calibration stand. This stand is annually certified by JOLA Instruments Inc. and the calibration certificate is NIST and NRC traceable.

I Prefer to Hold the Tweezers in My Left Hand. Is Smart Tweezers Only for the Right Hand?

// November 12th, 2012 // No Comments » // Smart Tweezers Questions and Answers

You can adjust Smart Tweezers for left hand use. Switch mode SYSTEM and choose LEFT.

Smart Tweezers Automatically Turn Off too Quickly. Some Times it Hinders Me from My Work.

// November 12th, 2012 // No Comments » // Smart Tweezers Questions and Answers

The turn-off time can be user selected in SYSTEM-> DISPLAY -> TIME-OUT