Siborg Now Offering Bluetooth Enabled Smart Tweezers in the LCR-Reader Store

// September 9th, 2016 // Bluetooth, Devices, LCR-Reader Store, News, ST-5S, ST5S-BT

Smart Tweezers ST5S-BT allows users to remotely record their measurement values in real time.

Smart Tweezers ST5S-BT allows users to remotely record their measurement values in real time.

Siborg is now offering the Bluetooth enabled Smart Tweezers ST5S-BT in the LCR-Reader Store.

Based on the ST-5S model, the new Smart Tweezers with Bluetooth allows users to remotely record their measurement values in real time using computers or mobile Apps. This model offers the same features and functions, including the 0.2% basic accuracy, as the ST-5S.

When connected, ST5S-BT opens a virtual serial port to send data over in a string of comma separated values. This data can be saved into a file or database depending on the receiver software used.

Siborg is offering two separate packages for this model: Smart Tweezers ST5S-BT with Bluetooth Receiver Stick which is essential for using the device with computer, and the Smart Tweezers ST5S-BT without the receiver stick for mobile only connections.


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